Terms & Conditions

Brumker studios is a company registrated on the Camara de Comercio de Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia with NIT 1036650970-1. is a digital design studio especialized on the following services: virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D modeling, websites design and mobile apps. we are located in medellin city at the following address: Carrera 80 No. 47-52 / office 205, you can contact us at info@brumker.com or at +57 319 270 12 88.


This website and its pages are operated and owned by Brumker studios which reserves the right to modify the content of the pages and / or website owned by you at the time you decide. No material, image, photo, information or databases of contained in this document may be copied, reproduced, published, posted, transmitted, downloaded from the website and its web pages or distributed in any way. Any modification, reproduction, total or partial representation of the materials, information and databases of information, or the use of them for any other purpose, without the express written consent of Brumker studios is a violation of the copyright of Brumker studios, its logos, commercial slogans and other marks, advertising, images, as well as any other intellectual and industrial property described or mentioned anywhere in the site are owned by Brumker studios and are protected by The current international and Colombian legislation on the matter

Policy of treatment and protection of personal data

Brumker studios committed to its privacy and acting as the person responsible for the processing of personal data in compliance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and its regulatory decrees, develops the following policy of treatment and protection of personal data, with the purpose of guaranteeing At all times the full and effective exercise of the rights that assist the holder of the personal data.


Contact and quotation form The personal data that you leave us in the contact form or the quote form are used only and exclusively to contact us with the reason of a possible negotiation of the services that we offer in our website and will remain Inscribed in our database as a possible client with the possibility of receiving relevant information about the services that you request and that we consider may be useful for your business


In order to facilitate access, loading speed and behavioral results to improve the usefulness of our website, we use an industrial technology called "cookies" which stores certain information on your computer and allow us to personalize your experience for Align it with your interests and preferences or simply facilitate your access to the use of our services. Most browsers will allow you to remove the "cookies" from your computer or your hard drive or to alert them when they are activated. Please refer to your browser's instructions to help or get a better understanding of its functions. It is worth clarifying that if you block your browser from using these cookies, it may affect the functioning of the website as such.

Safety and privacy

We use reasonable security methods to protect the data stored in our servers and by no reason the information you provide is direted, sold and/or exchanged to a third party that has nothing to do with brumker studios. However, no security system is impenetrable, because this, we cant provide you a 100% safety of our servers. For your total privicy and avoid the spam or unwanted information, in every email marketing or informational email that you recive from us Brumker studios, you have the chance to cancel the suscription to be erase from our database if you wich.